Welcome Nayeli!

After twenty hours of labor and four hours of pushing Nayeli was born this morning to her proud parents Liz and Shane. Liz is a rock star! after three hours in recovery she was able to get out of her hospital bed and into a wheel chair to go see Nayeli in the NICU. I am truly impressed by Liz's strength. Specking from someone who had a c-section I don't know how she did it! Truly amazing!

Pleas keep Shane,Liz and sweet little Nayeli in your thoughts and prayers as Nayeli battles with CDH.

Let the roller coaster ride began. Oh and god...please let their ride be a nice smooth ride with not to many bumps and turns.

Thank you!
2 Responses

  1. Never mind, my mind is going to fast. I see it. Thanks anyway.