Moving right along.....

With the help of an epidermal, morphine and tylenol Owain's pain has been managed. Today was the first day since surgery that he was able to rest peacefully for hours at a time. When he wasn't sleeping he has been watching  Finding Nemo (8 times in 2 days). He loves his Nemo it seems to  keep him distracted from the fact that he feels like s**t, still stuck in the same crib with tubes and wires,unable to have complete control over his left arm. He did get really pissed off when he woke up from his  three hour nap this morning kicking and screaming yelling "NO NO NO NO" reaching his arm up for me to pick him up. I felt helpless. I so badly wanted to pick my baby up. Unable to pick him up I did the next best thing hopped into his crib in the most awkward position ever and gave my little man snuggles while a sweet lady from child life played her guitar and sang some classic children's song. I attempted to sing along but Owain quickly reminded me that I can't carry a tune and told me "no". I am sure Owain wasn't the only one in the room thankful for me to stop singing.

Owain this morning watching Nemo
Their  have been some changes today for the first time since Monday night he was finally allowed  milk (pedasure). That made for a happy boy. He has been handling it well only a few sips at a time.He might be able to try some solid food tomorrow. Another exciting thing that might possible happen tomorrow is have his chest tube removed. This  is a huge step once that happens we will finally get to hold our baby! 

As far has us going home any time soon. I don't see that happening. Maybe a week from now or  two. It all depends on Owain and his little  body. For now we are moving in the right direction. Each baby step brings us closer to going home. Closer to seeing our happy go lucky boy smile again......

Owain happy as a clam before the sun came out (6am) the day of surgery.

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