A Blessing for Baby Seth.

Great God,Giver of this gift of life
that forms in love between a man and a women
You who knit together cell
into an intricate design,
unique in the universe, Seth Van dyke
You breathe of life, Grace itself and Mercy, too.
Turn now your parent-heart to Seth.
Upon him, flow healing.
Upon him, flow mercy.
Upon, his parents, flow strength and courage.
Upon his family, flow hope.
Upon his nurses, doctors flow loving excellence.
You turn now Your face to us and bless us.
-Penny Ammon, Chaplain

Baby Seth was born June 25,2008 and within hours of birth he had his first surgery and was put on ECMO (lung,heart bypass machine). He is stable as of right now but still very critical. Please pray for baby Seth and his family while Seth battles CDH. Please send his family positive vibes.

Seth we believe in you. You can beat CDH!

Lungs Grow! Grow Lungs!

Check out baby Seth's blog.
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