Not Me!Monday!
I love Mondays.
Why? you ask.
Truth be told most people I know dread Mondays. Mondays usually mean you have to go back to work. No more lazy Sundays. When Monday morning rolls around you know it's time to get out of your stinky two day wearing pajamas and it's time to be productive.You know that at least some weekend in the past you to wore the same pajamas for a 48 hour period.Everybody has at least had one of those blissful lazy weekends.So don't judge me I fully admit I treasure those weekends of laziness.
In all reality I am not one of those people who hate Mondays. I look forward to it. Simple because I get to share with my fellow bloggers (you) all of my imperfections.Thanks to Mckmama for creating Not Me Mondays. I don't know what I would do with out it.I just might have one heck of a therapy bill.
Thank goodness for Mondays
A conversation I did not have with my strong witty husband earlier this week
my strong witty husband "hey Owain's bedding is all wet?"
me " go ahead and throw it all in the washer..the washer is empty"
my strong witty husband " problem"
We go about our day.
On our way home from running errands with a tired toddler in the backseat ready for bed.
I asked my strong witty husband "you put Owain's bedding in the dryer"
He replied "did you start the washer?"
me "I thought you did after all you put his bedding in"
his response "oh well you should of been more specific."
Darn me for not being more specific. I can't believe I forgot to tell him when you throw a load of laundry in the wash with soap you always have to turn the knob to light,cold cycle.Then the washing machine will do it's magic and walla the
Gotta love my strong witty husband.He truly is one of a kind.
Speaking of him as I type he is not folding laundry all on his own.
My cat is not terrified of my toddler. She has no reason to run for her life when she see's him running towards her waving both arms in the air screaming "ahahahahahaahaaaa"
She doesn't hide all day until our hyper toddler is asleep.One of her hiding spots is not the hallway closet. She does not claw her way back to the safest spot from a hyper toddler. The very back of the closet. In the process all of my blankets,sheets whatever might be in the closet does not end up on floor.
Nope not my kitty. I am not sure who's closet that might be or who's cat? Do any of you have a clue as who?
I have not been an emotional wreck today,the day before or three day before. Nope not me! Life is perfect.You see whenever we have a bill to pay or simple need to buy a new pair of shoes just for fun we go out to our money tree and pick,pick,pick.Don't you wish you had a money tree?
As I hurry up with my not me post I don't have a screaming headache. Nope not my head. It certainly does not feel like any minute my head is about to explode. My headache that I don't have is not caused from Pepsi withdrawals. I am not once again trying to give up the one thing I love to drink. I hate Pepsi! Why the heck would I drink that unhealthy for you full of suger soda beverage?So I an not trying to give it up. Nope not me!
My sweet little boy does not have some unusual sleeping positions. He certainly did not get his crazy sleeping positions from his momma. Nope not me! I am not known to sleep the butterfly.....
I did not just erase a picture of me sleeping the butterfly that my strong witty husband secretly took of me.
When we went to visit our good friends new baby boy Truman. I did not have complete baby envy.
Isn't he adorable?
Doesn't make you want to have another one?