Things that GO!

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Owain has a special place in his heart  for all things that go!

Monster truck,back hoe,fire truck,crane,garbage truck,hot rod

cement mixer,motorcycle,skate board,tank truck,scooter

bicycle,ambulance,steam roller,semi-truck,air plane,roller skates

helicopter,jet ski,tractor,sail boat,hot air balloon,train

Well you get the idea?

He is very precise how he lines up all of his things that go.

If one should accidentally fall over all by it self.

He may have a major melt down.

Not to major,he calms down rather quickly

Knowing he has a job that must be done.

All of the things that go must line up precisely.
1 Response
  1. Darcy Says:

    This is hysterical! Owen would be so jealous. Owen does the same thing but doesn't have nearly that many in his line-up. You're right. Boys and their vehicles!