Not Me!Monday

Well it's that time again. Time to confess all my imperfection to you,my fellow bloggers and boy do I have a lot that I need to get off my chest. but first please say a little big prayer for Mckmama's (the creator of Not Me Mondays) sweet babe Stellan. He has been in the hospital since last Tuesday. They can really use our prayers. Thank you.

Three months ago I married my sweet heart,my best friend,my baby's daddy

I did not just finally mail out all of the Thank Yous.I am not a procrastinator.I did not sit down at least a dozen times and started filling out the thank you cards to only put the pen down wait a few weeks to finish them nope not me!While writing out hundred thank yous I did not start to put the stamp in the upper left side of the envelope where the return address goes. That wasn't me!

I would never let my child paint his whole entire head,face,ear,body

Why would I make more work for myself?

Halloween day I did not let my little man eat has much candy corn as his little heart desired.Not my child.

I haven't felt like time has just been zooming by. Seriously where did summer go?What happened to September and October? It can't really be November already?

 Have a Happy Monday!
Please share some of your Not Me! Monday's.
I would love to hear from you!

1 Response
  1. Darcy Says:

    Beautiful wedding picture!