Project Life Tuesday

This year I am really going to commit to project life. Last year I only made it two months. Sad I know. Something tragic happened and I fell behind and never continued.  I really love the concept of project life.Take a picture everyday for one year then at the end of the year you have a lovely scrap book of your life for the year. This year  I will commit to finishing project life.Yes  I will! Even though I am already a few weeks behind ( I started the 25th of Jan not the first) I am not going to give up.

Sunday February 6
We spent the early part of the day at the park. Owain loved rocking on the sea horse. After the park we played at the local toy. They have a train table that Owain  loves to play with.

Monday February 7
We went over to Papa's for dinner and Papa made Owain a special chocolate milk shake. After dinner we played hungry hungry hippo (a favorite of Owain's when were at papa's).It was the first time over since Daisy (family dog) passed away. We missed her presents. Even Owain asked "where daisy go?"

Tuesday February 8
We did our usually Tuesday thing and went to the indoor play ground.While saying goodbye to our friends Elijah and Haya both gave Owain a hug. It melted my heart.  

Wednesday February 9
Owain and I went over to our friend Julie and Eric's house for a play date the boy's had a lot of fun being little monkey's jumping on the bed. Our friend Avery and her mom were there too but it was  impossible to get a picture of three toddlers.

Thursday February 10
. Owain got a kick out of riding the bus to story time after all he is obsessed with all public transportation.Before he ever said "I love mommy or daddy" he said "I love bus"

Friday February 11
We had to take Owain to Doernbecher to get a CT scan to find out if he had another recurrence (he did) getting the CT scan was not fun at all but getting to ride the Tram twice made it all worth it.

Saturday February 12
We went over to grandma's and she had a very special Valentines for Owain. Three Thomas books!  Owain is Thomas's #1 fan. If you couldn't tell be his reaction.

Head on over to Jessica's if you want to scope out other's Project Life. It's never to late to start your own!

1 Response
  1. Love the pics...and the idea! :)
    Hope you're hanging in their with the latest medical challenge!