a little weekend recap

O at the beach April 2010

I really don't have a whole lot to say...
but since I made a blog promise a few post back here and I have already failed to hold up to my bargain. Headache or no headache I will blog dammit.

We had a pretty good chill weekend. No real big plans.The only event on our calendar was Mr.O's soccer tots.I stayed home while hubs and O ventured off for a little game.  I had big plans of being super speedy productive in the morning while the men were away.I slept. So much for a speedy productive morning. I woke up to my little man bringing me a dandelion he picked outside the soccer arena. {grin}

Hubs traded places with me.Soccer is early 9:30 and us both being the night owls that we are that's pretty freak'en early for us on a Saturday.After nap we played out side at this really cool park our friends joined us. It was a glorious sunny day with great company. We ended our day with happy hour at Gustave's. 

Sunday it rained. Which was great motivating my ass into being productive. I feel good with the amount of organizing and cleaning I accomplished today. Except for my headache. Damn you headache! In between being productive O and  I got all crafty. 

It was a good weekend.
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