Got Ball?

Owain does! Last weekend daddy bought Owian his very first ball and he loves it! I think the ball is one of his favorite toys. Right up their with his blocks. The first picture is daddy getting Owain with the ball. He thought this game was hilarious he was busting up laughing. Oh how I love the sound of him laughing. I swear Owain has the sweetest laugh. It brings me such joy when I hear him laugh.

Oooh let me see this thing you call a ball.
I got it! My very own ball!
I love this picture this is a face Owian makes quite a bit. He usually makes this face when he is excited or angry. I love it!
1 Response
  1. First of all, thank you so much for spreading the word!!! I really appreciate it.

    Next...these pictures of Owain playing with the ball or too cute!!! He is so adorable, I love the face (on the last one), it definitely made me smile : ).

    I hope you guys have a great weekend. Take care.