My Sweet little warrior today you are now eight months old! You are getting so big. Above is a picture of you standing holding onto the back of the couch. It's amazing how much you have grown just in the last month. You are now officially mobile. Your not quite crawling yet but you scoot and roll all over the place. I think you are getting close to figure out that you can put your knees to good use. Yesterday you got up on all fours and started rocking back and fourth. Thats the next step to crawling. Your daddy and I are so proud of you! You are sitting up all by yourself. You have really great balance. Just within this past week you are now sleeping twelve hours at night and only waking up once for a late night snack. Going to bed is no problem for you. You are such a big boy now you fall asleep all by yourself! We are still anticipating your first tooth. I am thinking any week now. We will have to celebrate when that first tooth finally comes through. Even though you are teething you are still my little happy guy and you are so much fun to play with. You have two favorite games that you enjoy. You love to play "get the couch". In the above picture that is what you are playing. Mommy and daddy will say "get the couch" and you get real excited and start jumping up and down while you are hitting the couch. You think this is so funny. I had know idea that the couch could be so entertaining. Your other favorite game is "I am going to get you" whenever we say this you start cooing and laughing and then you quickly roll,scoot and try to get away before we get you. It is to cute you bust up laughing as well as mommy and daddy. I love it when we have our laugh attacks where we just laugh and laugh. You brighten up my day and I am looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for you my love.
P.S to celebrate you eight month birthday we are going to have a little play date with your best buddy Cian!
Sounds like it won't be long before you are baby proofing the entire house! He is so cute... love the frog PJs.
Happy 8th month bday!
It is such a joy to check into the site and see the amazing progress Owain has made. This last posting made tears in my eyes and had me laughing at the same time! Your love and enthusiasm for the 'every day' and what most people take forgranted, touches the heart.
Keep the postigs coming!
('Auntie' Erin's Mom)