I spoke to soon

Last night was a sleepless night in our house. I think Owain must have some how figured out that I spilled the beans and told everyone how easy it was to put him to sleep. nothing was easy about last night. It took me two and half hours to get him to sleep. Finally I thought. He managed to stay asleep for another three and half hours. After that he woke up just about every hour on the hour and to top it off he decided playtime would be from five to seven this morning. Considering at this point I only had four hours of interrupted sleep. I was exhausted! I still am!

I think one of the reasons Owain had such a rough time sleeping is that he is teething. Poor baby he has been teething for months and still not one tooth has come through. I also think he might be getting his first cold. Daddy has been sick all weekend and now our little man is sneezing,coughing and has a runny noise. No wonder he had a hard time sleeping? I am going to keep an eye on his cold and if it seems to be getting worse we will be making a trip to his pediatrician.
1 Response
  1. Fer Says:

    I'm so sorry you had such a bad night and so did Owain. Poor thing, teething makes them really miserable. I hope he can get some sleep;)